Prayer to St. Angela Merici


Dear St. Angela Merici,

We turn to you in prayer, seeking your intercession and guidance. You were a devoted servant of God, who dedicated your life to the education and spiritual formation of young women. You founded the Ursuline Sisters, an order of nuns dedicated to teaching and serving the poor and marginalized.

We ask for your guidance in our own spiritual journey, that we may be inspired by your example of faith and service. Help us to be strong in our faith, and to persevere in our efforts to serve others and to share the love of Jesus with others.

We ask for your blessings on all those who are called to serve as educators and spiritual leaders, and for their continued guidance and protection. We also ask for your intercession for all those who are marginalized and in need of help, that through your intercession they may find comfort and healing.

We give you thanks for your life of faith and service, and for the inspiration you continue to be to us. We ask that you continue to watch over us, and lead us to the eternal love and joy of heaven.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

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